Thats What I Said!

75 quotes(or call em whatever) from my GUTS.

1.  Sometimes, to really hear someone's heartbeat, you’ve to stop yours for a while.

 2. What a man cannot do in his mind, he’ll never do with his hands. You've to believe first. That’s just the way it is.

3. You dont have to ask to take every opportunity to show some love and give what you have to some1 who needs it.

 4. I believe life would be better if each day was simply d day and not one of the days. if those who do good did it not remembering d glory of yesterday but feeling like they’ve yet done noting n dose who did bad woke up knowing they get a clean slate n need not dwell on guilt. Where d hurt could smile at the one who hurt them and have faith he won’t do the same again n people could say ‘i love you’ every other day without thinking ‘didn’t i say that yesterday?’

5. I belong 2 a certain class of people; those who just never get things on a platter of gold. We either 'work 4 it' or 'wait 4 it'. i used 2 think twas a bad thing until i learnt that d servant who got only one talent (in d biblical parable) got it not 'cos he was loved less but because d master was certain that he was strong enough to make happen with only one talent what others needed five talents to achieve.

6. Every man desires to become an inspiration to others. when this desire is achieved, a ‘man of character’ would strive not to disappoint his lovers n devotees but a ‘man of wisdom’ would strive not to disappoint God.

7. its ok to let ur hair loose in d wind, but watch out for your eyes. mimick well if u must but dont get stuck in anoda man's personality. follow your heart but dont trample another's in d process.

8. The people in our lives are like mirrors. We tell ourselves they’re just necessary articles hanging around us but in truth, they label us (after their kind) when we look 2 them n we carry that label through the day. jesus is my mirror n i’m his reflection. always.

9. One of the almighty’s wonders is the heart’s boomerang effect. how you can touch someone’s heart and its yours that overflows with satisfaction. make someone smile today…..

10. "what indicates ur ability is not getting it right the first time but the doggedness that makes you try again till its right.

11. Either d dreamer dies or looses faith but a dream lives forever. dream big!

12. Between the unpredictability of unchartered waters n d stagnant comfort of familiarity? move out of ur comfort zone peeps...u cant come back d same.

13. When a man begins to fancy himself an elephant, people may fear him for his 'size' but let him remember that his assumed identity comes with the title 'animal'...

14. This week, i pray... 4 ur eyes, dat it be blind to d beauty of dis world but will behold only d awesome creativity of God. 4 ur mind, dat it may percieve n understand d hidden mysteries of d almighty n know d times n seasons. 4 ur heart, dat it rests solely n confidently upon d rhema so dat none shall make u afraid... i pray for you!

15. Life is like a competitive race with treasures along the way. Too many people for fear of what's behind catching up with them, rush past their treasures-only 2 find @ d end that its not d speed that counts. its d ignored treasures...

16. One of the most painful feelings in life is when you look in d mirror n find so many coulda, woulda, shouldas staring back@u...even more painful though, is when u look in d mirror days/weeks/years after n find you still didnt do anything about your initial discovery. dont ever stop starting...

17. Just 'cos u make decent choices doesn’t guarantee your life'll be dandy n fine. Not only will u suffer d reminder dat u'r an 'outsider' to d real world bt u'd also have 2 constantly defend those choices (even 2 urself). sadly, there's not much defence since good n bad is subjective. so what r u gon' do?

18. There isnt a 'known' thing that is impossible to achieve. it might take a while, drain ur pocket n even cost u ur place in d human scope of sanity bt i say if ur mind can concieve n comprehend it, then there's no reason ur hands cant create it.

19. On second thought, if every man were perfect n self sufficient, there would be no need for family n friendship. so then the true essence of family n friendz is 4 me 2 b able to lean on n count on u 2 understand when i'm most annoying n in a crappy state...even if u told me so.

20. In every 'coulda' 'woulda' 'shoulda', there's still d could, should n would's. dont linger. every day's a fresh start n every second counts.

21. Solutions have a funny way of paving way for other problems, just like attaining a height makes you realize how prettier the view could be from a higher angle. i guess then that 'perfection' isnt exactly achieving it all but realizing you cant have it all and making the best of every opportunity.

22. Sweet dreams become irritating when you linger too long. get up and create your reality.

23. That you're smart doesnt mean u must have answers to everything. That u answer everything doesnt mean u're smart either.

24. When you begin to feel people disappoint or take you for granted too often, then you're expecting too much too often.

25. I've learnt 2 look past d people who hurt me. even way past their actions and intentions bcos each time i see d outcome, i realize over again dat though like actors we lend our voice n attitude 2 d script, we'r all just tools in god's hands. anger says 'lights out' but 4givness speaks 'next scene'.

26. Love one another! its dat simple. i dont remember a clause saying dat 'd lover' or 'd loved' need be perfect.

27. Too many times, d never ending list of things we call 'needs' are safely embodied in one... one person, one discovery, one rhema, one principle, one right decision and everything else falls in place. Some people give a little time n patience to find dat one, odas spend a lifetime of anxiety chasing d 'list' 
dat never ends.

28. Some days'll be brighter, some nights clearer than others but d sun n moon'll come everyday. its his promise 2 make dat happen n ur duty 2 find and stand right under the GLOW.

29. Just cos you say no to the wrong thing doesnt mean you're saying yes to the right thing. check ur motives before you do the "right" thing.

30. There really isnt a bond that lasts forever. parent-child, husband-wife, lovers, bff's et al. people who stick around do so not 'cos they feel the same way bout you all d time but for the impact you make (or made) while the glue still held. my point? be and give your best at every opportunity you get.

31. A man 'standing still' isnt much different 4rm a statue. people pass u by like you dont matter n those who stop by do so just 2 comment on how ugly your life is. some even poke you(of course they get no reaction) but you leave that spot knowing who cares n d answer 2 one of life's toughest questions 'what next?'

32. In life, u hardly get black or white. there's always a grey somewhere in between. that's why we sometimes make d 'wrong' decisions 4 d 'right' reasons or d right decisions @ d wrongest timing. There’s nothing wrong in getting it wrong as long as there's something right in between. 

33. walking on the water! first it excites you and then it scares you sh*tless. you just gotta keep ur eyes on Him who told you to come.

34. Sometimes, all we need to go a long way in life is just the lil' words. a little bit of faith, hope, trust, love...... but no; folks would just rather go for the big words. like ambiguity, competition, superciliousness, sectionalism, litigation..............

35. The people in our lives; they’re like mirrors. we tell ourselves they’re just necessary articles hanging around us but in truth, they label us (after their kind) when we look 2 them n we carry that label through the day. jesus is my mirror n i’m his reflection. always!

36. When men begin to take up arms against each other, taking lives they can not begin to conceive how it was formed n saying they're fighting for god.... i only see 2 things; a people voluntarily stepping into shackles n a God weeping for his creation.

37. Human beings are sometimes like birds. keep 'em contained n they'd be flying around looking for a way out but let 'em loose n they'd find their way right back to you. how do you cope lord?

38. A box guitar, a nice bowler hat, lil smiles inspired by me, cute burberry shirt wit turnup sleeves, cool wind on my face, music! these are a few of my favourite things.

39. I see no difference between the blind man and one that has his eyes set on nothing. they have both lost control of their destination.

40. sometimes, silence is a most desirable companion.

41. There are 2 sides to every man; d good n the bad. to retain the good, we must accept the bad and embrace the good to overcome the bad in those we love!

42. Its odd, how we tire ourselves out trying to get what we desire and the acquisition only brings about worries of its sustainance and perpetuity. for me, i say ' the lord is the portion of my inheritance, he maintains my lot'!"

43. I think i try not 2 sound like 'spiri-koko' bt den i pray about lil things like d lenght of my hair n dat i dnt want 2 get a fat tummy. my dairy is in form of letters 2 God n when i swear, i say 'ancient of days!' so maybe i am 'spiri-koko' n maybe i really dont want 2 not be.

44. Today i learnt that being a person's friend really shouldnt be about how they treat you back. if you love them, show them that love and forget about whether they appreciate it or not.

45. Each time i think of how long its been, i'm reminded of how much less i have to be still.

46. The 1 baggage in whateva form it comes dat love always carries?... ease! hapy val peeps

47. An act wrongly done the 1st time is just an amateur act; the 2nd time it becomes an imperfect mistake; the 3rd time its plain negligent stupidity.

48. I'm so grateful for you. i cherish having you to myself and at this rate, i dont know if i'd ever have enough of you. i need you so much more........................................... time!

49. Cliches and status quos used to irritate me. the self righteous people who promote them irritate me more now.

50. knowledge is good n quite a profitable venture bt of all its kind, 2 know dat u dont know i think is d best for it propels you into knowing.

51. Perfection exists in no man but in the eyes that behold him/her and the heart that is determined to see no less!

52. Each time i get tired, He carries me n gives me results without much effort. should i then resort to been tired all the time?

53. On days like this when am torn between intuition and reasonableness, i'm particularly grateful for the power 'on my knees'.

54. Good ol' friends are like d smell of rain after a scorching season. they come with genuine smiles, hearty laughter and d unspoken assurance dat d rain'll come n it'd be just alright!

55. You can never judge a man correctly until u share his experience(past),position(present), temperament and destiny(future). dont bother, its impossible!

56. Courage is not necessarily d absence of fear; its looking it in d face and walking right through it over nd over till it becomes a faded shadow.

57. Its as old as time yet it never changes. it's d one feeling i know dat can never be hyped. so whether you live in a mansion, bungalow, condo, flat, cabin or a trailer; it feels just d same. its dat silent reassuring feeling of 'being home'.

58. I've lacked many things in my life but i've never been lost for words(even if i have to talk rubbish). when i think of d awesomeness n faithfulness of god however, i feel like one who cant speak any language.

59. Its good 2 associate with people who put to use and are known for their God-given talent; its even better 2 learn 4rm them, but ur greatest undoing will be to try to be like them.

60. Its a sad irony; how d things we should do come across as hard And far-fetched while dat which we ought not to do falls right into our laps n even looks good. beware of ease folks!

61. I used to think that finding out exactly what u're cut out for n meant to do in life is a huge challenge. i was so wrong; facing d world with it without fear of criticism or failure definitely beats that.

62. There's a lot we acquire n hold dear in life; but in d end, all dats really ours is our integrity. soil it n d stain lingers like cashew juice on white garment.

63. Its one thing 2 b friends or family with someone, its another to be proudly so. folks in ur life who arent proud of you when u're yet 2 overcome d world are occupying some1 else's space; move em down d ladder a notch so d right ones can step in place. a little harsh; yes, but quite true n totally worth it.

64. The most important boundaries in life are so indistinct that you either dont go near them or u'll find u've crossed d line without knowing it; like the line between confidence n arrogance, btw being principled rigidity, btw love (for) n love (because of), between self-appreciation n superciliousness...

65. No one is really smarter than the other, we're all just specialized in certain things. kinda like bill gates might be a guru with computers but he can never handle 'igbo' like fela. lol"

66. I'm doing something n am feeling reeeaaal good about it. you can sit n wonder what am doing or you can get up n do something yourself.

67. If u dont have a vision solidly backed up with a conviction, t'wont be long before ur mission is aborted.

68. The human mind is like a stream at ma village. linger at the shallow end n u'll go home with dirty water polluted wit shit n waste stuff, move into d deeper end n u'll get clean, filtered n perfectly usable water. whateva u go home wit is a result of how deep u're willing to go.

69. There's an innate n perpetual sense of disatisfaction to life. the good think they're not good enough, the young crave 2 become adults overnight, the not so good or bad arent even grateful they've not being wiped off the surface of the earth... i have learnt that there is no better guide to life than purpose discovery because our purpose is never out of sync with our circumstances.

70. Saying what you want to say, when you want to say it, to whom you want to say it n just how you wanna say it. that's what i call freedom!

71. I'm unique. the only of my kind in the universe. better not to loose me cos u'l neva find a replacement.

72. As d 'ember' months arrive, dear lord, light our path with d glowing embers of ur love."

73. Its just so silly how we worry about what people think of us while they're worrying about what we think of em. how we go thru pain 2 love some ppl whyl someone is dying 4 a chance to love us. how we hold feircely onto a grain of soil wen God is offering a rock..... a very stupid yet very humane waste of time if u ask me.

74. I might be going thru a lot right now, but i hold on to the knowledge that on d day i step on the threshold of my destiny, i do so with the right and pride to say to those behind me 'i have been there and i have lived through it!'

75. I'm not a normal gal.......cant live a normal life.

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